Reviews and thoughts of books I've read


Life of Pi - Yann Martel

This isn't my usual type of book, but I persisted with it because it was lent to me by a friend who really enjoyed it. I soon found myself engrossed wanting firstly for Pi to be shipwrecked (as it was the only thing I knew about the book from the back of the book)and secondly rescued. It was also easy to fit the reading in around everything else because it has short chapters (sometimes less than a page).

I admit I found some of the imagery distrubing, but not enough for me to stop reading and in fact probably added to my satisfaction with the book as I was often thinking about it between reading sessions. I will certainly remember this book for a long time to come.

I give 5*s to my absolutely favourite books which I read over and over. I'm not convinced this is one of those books, but I am still very glad I've read it and would recommend it to others.


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